Tuesday, June 23, 2009

WSTP needs musicians, volunteers

West Side Theater Project seeks musicians to audition to participate in the creation and production of music for the upcoming September performance. We want to include musical the diverse cultures represented in the neighborhood. If you or someone you know is interested, please call Becky at 651/216-0060, or e-mail westsidetheaterproject@yahoo.com for more information.

We are also currently interviewing for several volunteer positions to assist with the production. Volunteer positions available include: stage manager and assistant stage managers, set construction, costume shop, community outreach, box office, music director, assistant stage director and more! For a complete listining with job descriptions, or to request an application, email westsidetheaterproject@yahoo.com or contact Becky at 651/216-0060.

We would like to fill as many of these positions as possible by mid-July, so contact us today!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Time to Start Writing

We are moving into the playwriting, music-composing stage of the project!

Between late January and today we have held 12 story circles in 5 locations in and around the Wellstone Center, Dunedin Homes and El Burrito Mercado. We are going to have a few more story-listening sessions in the next couple of weeks, especially hoping to hear from youth.

We have heard many rich stories. We know we've barely scratched the surface: we could keep listening to stories for months to come. While we do hope to hear more stories for a future projects, it is time now, to start writing a play and some music! We have lots of inspiration and ideas and are ready for this next step.

We are looking for musicians! If you know of musicians in the neighborhood who might be interested in pariticipating in this project, let us know. We hope to include music from the neighborhood's many cultures.

Watch this space for a preview of what's to come as the play starts to take shape. Also, watch for specific dates and times of upcoming events related to the project. In July we plan to host community readings of the play, a collaboration workshop, and community art workshops to create set componants.